April Showers Bring May Flowers...
April is OT month and Helping Hands For Kids® (HH4K) is joining in the celebration by sharing a few fun, exciting and creative activities to get everyone mOTivated and moving! As much as kids love jumping in puddles and using their umbrellas, April showers can put a damper on their outdoor play. When it rains, it is difficult to get outside to do what you need to do. Outdoor activities are some of the best ways to improve fitness, promote learning, and engage your senses. If a few days of rain has you singing “rain, rain, go away!,” try some of these simple activities that make being stuck inside an opportunity to learn something new while challenging your little ones’ fine motor, gross motor, and motor planning skills. Our occupational therapists have put together these indoor activities and exercises using items commonly found around the house. Click here for detailed instructions.