In light of the development of COVID-19, Helping Hands For Kids is taking this matter very seriously. At Helping Hands For Kids, the...

#sensoryprocessing #AprilisOTmonth #adhd #handwriting #spreadtheword #sensoryawareness #awareness #empower

National Walk TO School Day
Helping Hands For Kids is joining in the fun. You can too by jump starting your child’s day by walking to school. It’s an excellent...

April Showers Bring May Flowers...
April is OT month and Helping Hands For Kids® (HH4K) is joining in the celebration by sharing a few fun, exciting and creative activities...

April is OT month!
HH4K is crushing on April...It's OT month! Even though we celebrate it all year, April gives us an opportunity to designate one whole...

Happy Martin Luther King Day
#mlk #martinlutherkingday

Happy Thanksgiving from Helping Hands For Kids!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Helping Hands For Kids wants every child to enjoy this gobble-gobble day. Thanksgiving is a day...

Veteran's Day 11.11.2014
VETERAN'S DAY Helping Hands For Kids sends a big THANK YOU to the veterans who have served for this country. Home of the free because of...